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Home NATIONALSVL member placed on police remand
Thu, 22 Sep, 2016 12:07:43 AM
Murder at Helsinki Station square
FTimes – STT Report, Sep 22
The neo-Nazi Finnish Resistance Movement activist at the District Court of Helsinki on Wednesday. Photo – Lehtikuva.
The District Court of Helsinki on Wednesday ordered the detention in remand of the detained member of neo-Nazi Finnish Resistance Movement (SVL) activist for the murder at Helsinki Railway Station Square.
A passer-by was beaten up outside the Helsinki central railway station where the Finnish Re-sistance Movement was holding a demonstration on September 10. The victim succumbed to his injuries at the Helsinki Meilahti hospital on September 16.
The man was arrested on possible cause of suspicion of crimes. The 26-year-old man is a key and active member of the neo-Nazi Finnish Resistance Movement.
According to police, the suspect has been very silent regarding his suspected crimes. He has de-nied his involvement in the murder, but otherwise has not commented on the matter in any way.
“He said that he had not part in the event,” said lead investigator Teemu Kruskopf. 
A 28-year-old man was kicked in the chest during the SVL demonstration.
The police believe that the course of events in the Station Square began with the assault. 
With respect to the victim's death, however, medical tests are continuing and the final results will be announced later. However, the police have their own views on his role in the death.
“The perspective of the police at the moment is that there is probable cause also to suspect [the man] of manslaughter,” Kruskopf said.
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