Finland Times

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Home NATIONALMigratory birds arrive early this year
Tue, 27 Sep, 2016 12:03:07 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Sep 27
File Photo – Lehtikuva.
The autumn migration of many bird species appears to be significantly ahead of schedule this year. 
According to Birdlife Finland, for example, more than 7,600 meadow pipits were seen the week before last in Pori, reportedly the largest ever seen in migration over Finland. 
The main migration for the species is usually seen at the end of September.
The tits are also on the move. For example, more than 2,500 blue-tits were seen last week, more than ever before in Finland in September. 
Willow tits and bushtits have also been migrating. In addition, an unusually large number of Siberian warblers have been seen this autumn.
In September, it is also rare to see birds such as the common redstart, the tree swallow, pectoral sandpiper, and the short toed lark.
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