Finland Times

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Home NATIONAL5 remanded on various charges
Sat, 01 Oct, 2016 12:56:37 AM
FTimes-STT Report, Oct 1
File Photo Lehtikuva.
The District Court of Päijät-Häme on Friday placed five people on remand on charge of various crimes.
According to the police, they are suspected of aggravated robbery, aggravated deprivation of lib-erty and attempted of aggravated blackmail.
The suspected acts took place in between 12 and 26 September. 
The pre-trial investigation concerns a dozen persons and their interrogation is still on-going. 
Since the pre-trial investigation is still on-going, the police did not divulge further details con-cerning the suspicions.
The police will describe detail in a press briefing at the end of next week.
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