Finland Times

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Home NATIONALRussia bought Finnish land to house troops
Wed, 02 Nov, 2016 03:08:01 AM
FTimes-STT Report, Nov 2
Logo of Security Police (Supo). File Photo Lehtikuva.
The Finnish Security Police (Supo) suspect that properties purchased by foreigners could be used unofficially to house foreign troops, reported the Finnish language newspaper Iltalehti. 
According to the report, the neighbouring Russia may have bought land in Finland for military personnel.
Supo has submitted a statement to the Parliamentary Administrative Committee saying that they are continuously detecting measures preparing for influencing crises.
The statement said in a crisis situation, the foreign state could take advantage of real estate construction, for example, to close traffic routes, or accommodate unmarked forces. 
Unidentified forces, or the so-called Green Men, occupied the Crimean Peninsula in Ukraine.
Supo is also concerned about the legal status of Russian-Finnish dual citizens due to Russian legislation. 
According to the Russian law, citizens of Russia can invoke help from Russian security authorities.
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