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Home NATIONALPolice lawyer suspected of criminal acts
Wed, 02 Nov, 2016 03:11:35 AM
FTimes-STT Report, Nov 2
File Photo Lehtikuva.
A lawyer at the Häme Police Department is suspected of four criminal offences related to handling secret police messages regarding drugs, reported the Finnish language newspaper Savon Sanomat.
The police lawyer is suspected of having acted improperly as a supervisor during searches related to other police officers beginning in 2014, said the report.
According to the news report, the criminal report was made by four Kuopio narcotics officers whose emails and phones were investigated in the case of former Helsinki drug unit police chief Jari Aarnio. 
The Kuopio police officers are no longer suspected of crimes, but during the investigation, nearly 2,000 of their text messages and emails were read, reported the newspaper.
In the case of Aarnio, the district court named the police lawyer, now suspected of breach of duty, to have monitored to ensure that other police officers would not handle secret work matters related to the Kuopio drug police.
The newspaper reports in response to a request lodged by the lawyer, the Helsinki Court of Appeal last week did not take a position on the criminal investigation, but according to the court, being a suspect of a crime reduces the police lawyer’s credibility.
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