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Home NATIONALEx-MPs push for citizens' bill on euthanasia
Sun, 06 Nov, 2016 12:05:58 AM
FTimes - STT Report, Nov 6
The debate on authorising euthanasia has gathered pace as five former MPs attempt to table a citizens’ initiative before parliament.
Politicians Esko Seppänen and Iiro Viinanen. File Photo – Lehtikuva.
The five former lawmakers Esko Seppänen, Iiro Viinanen, Ilkka Taipale, Osmo Soininvaara, and Henrik Lax are behind the initiative which calls for allowing intentional ending of life to relieve pain and suffering.
The initiative has gathered 74 supporters including representatives from the scientific, cultural and business communities. 
“When we dealt with the topic in our discussion paper, the reaction was quite bemusing. This is no longer the case,” former finance minister Viinanen told the news agency STT.
Viinanen and Seppänen spoke about Parkinson’s disease which they had been suffering from, and supported euthanasia in their book ‘Vasen Oikea, Oikea Vasen’ (left right, right left) which was published in 2012.
Both of them said they supported allowing euthanasia for the sake of their families’ experience. Viinanen said he had witnessed a lot of people who lie for years without understanding where they are.
A citizens’ initiative has to receive 50,000 signatures before reaching parliament.
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