Finland Times

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Home NATIONALFierce fire rips through Kivijarvi candy factory
Thu, 17 Nov, 2016 12:50:40 AM
FTimes- Xinhua Report, Nov 17

A fierce fire broke out at a candy factory and burned down a large concrete building on Wednesday in Kivijarvi, central Finland, local media reported.

According to the local rescue department, the 900-square-meter concrete building of CandyWell confectionery plant was completely destroyed. There were no casualties in the accident.

Vesa Hurme, CEO of CandyWell, told Finnish national broadcaster Yle that the damage caused by the fire would probably exceed one million euros (1.07 million U.S. dollars). The company would need to construct a new building and purchase new machines to restore its production.

The cause of the fire remains unknown.

Founded in 1994, CandyWell is a Finnish family-owned company, which produces about 150,000 kg of sweets annually.

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