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Home NATIONALFinns lose millions to online scam
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Fri, 18 Nov, 2016 12:05:59 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Nov 18
File Photo – Lehtikuva.
Finns lose millions of euros each year to foreign internet scams, according to a Finnish language daily, Turun Sanomat.
The figure is estimated by the money laundering centre of National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).
At least three million euros is lost to foreign investment fraud each year. To foreign scams, Finns lose more than one million euros per year. Men more often fall prey to investment fraud and women to romance scams.
NBI did not estimate the total or exact amount of losses to internet fraud, as not all scams are reported to the police.
The number of online scams recorded last year grew 40 per cent compared to 2014. This year’s figures show a 25 per cent growth.
If the online scammer is Finnish, then the police have a good chance of closing the investigation, the NBI said.
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