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Home NATIONALBus with Asian tourists capsized in Lapland
Fri, 18 Nov, 2016 01:19:42 AM
FTimes-Xinhua Report, Nov 18

A bus with some Asian tourists on board capsized beside the road near Rovaniemi, northern Finland, on Wednesday night, causing some light injuries, local media reported on Thursday.

The accident took place between villages Yli-Namma and Ala-Namma in the Finnish Lapland. There were 14 passengers on the bus, and the injured were taken to Rovaniemi hospital.

National broadcaster Yle quoted passengers as praising the bus driver who had quickly diverted to the ditch and thus avoided a head-on collision with an incoming car.

Fire brigade supervisor Ari Saarenpaa told newspaper Kaleva that the airbags of the private car opened and thus saved the driver.

A Finnish passenger told Yle that the Asian tourists had been most shocked. Their nationality was not disclosed.

The Chinese embassy in Finland said it had received no report concerning any Chinese injuries.

The bus was running on a regular line and was not chartered. 

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