Sun, 20 Nov, 2016 12:02:45 AM FTimes Report, Nov 20 Population increase by month 2013–2016*. Source: Population Statistics, Statistics Finland. Finland's population was 5,502,284 at the end of October, according to Statistics Finland's preliminary data.
The country's population rose by 14,976 persons during January-October.
The most significant reason for the increase was migration gain from abroad, since immigration exceeded emigration by 14,415. The number of births was 561 higher than that of deaths.
During January-October, 44,829 children were born, which is 1,863 fewer than in the corresponding period in 2015.
The number of deaths was 44,268, which is 858 higher than one year earlier.
According to the preliminary statistics for October, 27,421 persons immigrated to Finland from abroad and 13,006 persons emigrated from Finland.
The number of immigrants was 2,905 higher and the number of emigrants 1,169 less than in the corresponding period of the previous year.
In all, 6,552 of the immigrants and 9,182 of the emigrants were Finnish citizens, the primary data show.
The number of inter-municipal migrations totalled 239,347 during January-October.
Compared with the previous January-October, the decrease was 902 migrations according to the municipal division of 2016.
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