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Home NATIONAL70,000 kids abused in family
Mon, 21 Nov, 2016 12:04:24 AM
Parent’s substance abuse
FTimes – STT Report, Nov 21


In Finland, 65,000 to 70,000 children live in families where at least one parent has a serious substance abuse problem, reported the Finnish newspaper supplement Sunnuntaisuomalainen of the Väli-Suomen Media.

The report was published based on a study conducted by the National Institute of Health and Welfare (THL).

In all likelihood, there are more abused children, as not all those suffering from substance abuse problems have applied for help, and they are not included in the statistics.
Those young people with substance abuse problems and their families interviewed are often met with condemnation.

Researcher Henna Pirskanen at the University of Jyväskylä Family Research Centre said young people wish that their issues would be dealt with openly in the media rather than being condemned without consideration.

According to the Sunnuntaisuomalainen, parental substance abuse is one of the most common causes of taking children away.

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