Finland Times

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Home NATIONALRefugees protest Migri´s asylum policy
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Sat, 03 Dec, 2016 09:53:17 PM
FTimes-STT Report, Dec 3

Several hundreds of Iraqi refugees on Saturday staged a demonstration at the Senate Square in Helsinki protesting the immigration policy of the Finnish Immigration Services (Migri), which considering the “vulnerable places” of their country as safe.

They also urged the immigration authority to review its decision and save lives of thousands of Iraqis.

About 500 refugees from Iraq participated in the protest rally bearing placards, festoons and photos of children organized by a volunteer organization named Oikeus elää (A Right to Live).

The protest was peaceful and no unwanted incident took place, police said.

Meanwhile, a group of Afghan refugees numbering 30 to 40 staged demonstration in Lahti on Saturday drawing attention of the authority to ensure security of the asylum seekers.

They also urged the immigration authority to review its asylum policy and not to deport them.

The immigration authority is updating its country report scheduled to be published in January on Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia.

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