Finland Times

Saturday, 27 July, 2024
Sun, 07 Jul, 2013 12:01:20 AM

Finland, Germany criticize undemocratic process in Egypt
Both presidents urge talks on alleged USA spy issue
President Sauli Niinistö and his German counterpart Joachim Gauck on Saturday criticized the ongoing political situation in Egypt following ouster of its elected president through military usurpation. The two leaders ... details
Sun, 07 Jul, 2013 12:06:54 AM
Proposal for replacing state secretary by state minister
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Disagreement surfaced among leaders of Finland’s ruling coalition over a proposal aiming apparently at bringing dynamism in the administration through replacing state secretaries by a junior minister at every ministry.   The ... details
Sun, 07 Jul, 2013 02:35:39 AM
Rail communications between Oulu and Kuopio was disrupted on Saturday when a passengers train collided with a tree in between Iisalmi and Kajaani. VR (Railway) operational center traffic chief Timo Kantola said that at least six next train services had to be replaced by bus between Iisalmi and Kajaani following the accident. VR sources said that the tree broke down due to a thunder storm and fell on the railway track and causing the accident. The Kuopio bound train coming from Oulu crashed with the tree and broke electrical wire hangers causing cut of the power ... details
Sun, 07 Jul, 2013 12:02:27 AM
Finnish couple Taisto Miettinen and Kristiina Haapanen on Saturday won the trophy of the Wife Carrying World Cup championship held at Sonkajärvi in Finland. With this, the Finnish couple won the ... details
Sun, 07 Jul, 2013 12:00:03 AM
Fugitive US spy contractor Edward Snowden was still stuck in the international transit area of an airport inMoscow on Saturday, news agency STT reported quoting Reuters and AFP.   His hope of ... details
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