Finland Times

Saturday, 27 July, 2024
Tue, 09 Feb, 2016 02:05:51 AM

Baby bonus boom wanes
  The newborn cash bonus boom has waned, said Jarkko Lahtinen, an early childhood senior specialist at the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities.   The association previously collected data on what kinds of ... details
Tue, 09 Feb, 2016 12:08:18 AM
Exports fall by 4% last year
  The value of the country's exports declined by four per cent in 2015 compared to the year before, according to the Finnish Customs' preliminary data.   In 2015, the value of exports ... details
Tue, 09 Feb, 2016 01:05:06 AM
American F-15 aircraft will be training in Finland in May, the Finnish Air Force Command confirmed on Monday. It would be the first time that U.S. fighters ... details
Tue, 09 Feb, 2016 12:03:54 AM
  Asylum applicants who have assets of their own or who find work and start earning will receive a lower allowance or no allowance at all, announced the Finnish Immigration Service ... details
Tue, 09 Feb, 2016 01:09:47 AM
  A  Finnish citizen suspected of terrorism appeared before a court in the United Kingdom on Monday.   The man was planning to travel to Syria via Romania to join the extremist ... details
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