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Home BUSINESSGovt floats tender for offshore wind power project
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Wed, 03 Jul, 2013 12:01:33 AM
FTimes Report, July 03

The government has invited applications from firms interested to find the best pilot project for offshore wind power, said an official press release.
The Ministry of Employment and the Economy undertook the project at a cost of EUR 20 million for the demonstration project for offshore wind power in 2015.
The ministry has asked the interested firms to submit applications related to Support for Demonstration of Offshore Wind Power by 30 September, 2013 to the registry of the ELY Centre in the area in which the project is to be carried out.
The ELY Centres will forward all support applications to the ministry. The ministry will ask for supplementary information on the projects evaluated by it as being among the best. The decision on the project to be supported would be made towards the end of 2014.
The support for demonstration is meant to cover the extra costs, when compared to an onshore wind power plant, due mainly to undersea foundations and power transmission cables. The longer peak load period of offshore wind power plants partially compensates for the extra costs. The aim is that the project to be selected would also receive the feed-in tariff payable for electricity produced by wind power.
The applications will be comprehensively assessed, and priority will be given, on one hand, to promotion of construction, use and maintenance of offshore wind power in Finnish conditions and to new technology and, on the other hand, to the economics and feasibility of the project.
The wind power production goal of nine terawatt hours for 2025, based on the National Energy and Climate Strategy and the Clean Energy Programme, might require more extensive implementation of offshore wind energy. With this goal in mind, the intention is to get useful experience and know-how from the offshore wind power demonstration project.
There are offshore wind farms being planned and under construction in various European countries.

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