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Home BUSINESSAssessment of Talvivaara operations next year
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Wed, 19 Aug, 2015 12:05:32 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Aug 19
Among other things to be assessed include, tons of mined ore, the quantity of metal produced as well as the functioning of the mine's bio-bleaching.
“The goal is to ensure that by autumn the mine operations has sound background both economically and environmentally and that at the turn of 2017-2018 cash flow is positive,” said Economic Affairs Minister Olli Rehn at a news conference on Tuesday.
State-owned mining company Terrafame recently acquired Talvivaara business operations and assets from the nickel mining company bankruptcy estate.
Talvivaara subsidiary Sotkamo applied for bankruptcy last year in November and subsequently the operations of the bankruptcy estate was financed by state funds.
Talvivaara mining operations is now being run and financed by Terrafame following the acquisition.
Mining of the ore is set to be ready in two or three weeks, Lauri Ratia, the chair of Terrafame board revealed.
The Nuasjärvi discharge pipe is also nearing completion, Ratia said.
The test run on the pipe will begin in September and it should be fully functional at the beginning of October.
The use of the discharge is dependent upon the Administrative Court upholding the implementation of the permits.
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