Finland Times

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Home BUSINESSStark outlets closure threatens 170 jobs
Tue, 18 Oct, 2016 12:09:56 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Oct 18
Hardware store Stark. File Photo – Lehtikuva.
DT Finland Oy is contemplating to close down six construction material selling Stark outlets in different parts of the country. The possible closure could lead to 170 job cuts.
DT Finland employs a total of 1,200 workers. Negotiations on the possible closures will start in Kouvola, Kokkola, Tornio,Savonlinna,Järvenpää and Hyvinkää.
Furthermore, there are negotiations to merge the Stark outlets in Kuopio and Oulu.
Stark Fossum’s CEO Geir Thomas said that condensation of the network of outlets is in line with the company's news strategy in which the operations will be concentrated in areas with best growth potential.
“Urbanisation and change in customer behaviour has pressed us to change our methods,” Fossum said in a statement.
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