Finland Times

Saturday, 27 July, 2024
Sun, 24 Jul, 2016 12:44:06 AM

Slide in support for SDP speeds up
  The decline in support for the main opposition party Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (Social Democratic Party of Finland-SDP) which began in the early summer has accelerated, according to a poll ... details
Sun, 24 Jul, 2016 12:58:25 AM
Mercury climbs to over 29 °C in Utsjoki
  The highest temperature so far this summer was recorded on Saturday in the northern town of Utsjoki.   The mercury shoot to 29.1 degrees Celsius at the weather station.   The Met ... details
Sun, 24 Jul, 2016 12:49:03 AM
  A man who went picking berries on Saturday in Rovaniemi died, said the Lapland police.   The local resident, just over 80 years old, left early in the morning to pick berries. ... details
Sun, 24 Jul, 2016 12:41:14 AM
  An explosion at an apartment building in Kallio neighbourhood of Helsinki on Friday caused serious injuries to one person.   The police are suspecting the incident as arson which also caused a ... details
Sat, 23 Jul, 2016 03:10:18 AM
  Leaders of the parliamentary groups of different political parties in Finland expressed concern over the ongoing situation in Turkey and urged the European Union to take a clear position ... details
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