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Home NATIONALGovt wants EU to continue support for Egypt's women, civil society
Wed, 21 Aug, 2013 03:34:31 AM
FTimes Report, August 21
Minister for International Development Heidi Hautala. Photo - Lehtikuva
Finland has urged the EU to continue development support for Egypt as the Political and Security Committee (PSC) of the European Union on Monday discussed ways for supporting Egypt, said a press release of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on Tuesday.
The discussion on the same matter will continue at a ministerial level meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers today.
The EU will hold an extraordinary meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council owing to the situation in Egypt.
"It is clear that a reassessment of development cooperation is associated with the condemnation of violence. Finland is of the opinion that the EU should interrupt its support to the Government of Egypt or its close circle,” said the Finnish International Development Minister Heidi Hautala.
“At the same time,” she continued saying, “it must be ensured that the discontinuation of aid does not weaken the position of the poorest and the most vulnerable. It is also important that the EU continue to support civil society."
She said, "Our cooperation in Egypt and North Africa aims specifically at supporting women and civil society. In this security situation, the position of women is even more prone to risk, and it is therefore important that the support continues," Hautala said.
Following the Arab Spring, the EU has increased its support to Egypt and some of this support is considered as development cooperation.
Finland has budgeted 1.9 million euros from development cooperation funds to be used in support for Egypt.
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