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Home NATIONAL16,000 migrated to Finland in 7 months
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Fri, 23 Aug, 2013 12:00:33 AM
Birth, death rates slide
FTimes Report, August 23
Source - Statistics Finland
As many as 16,000 people immigrated to Finland from January to July this year while 6,750 people emigrated abroad, according to the preliminary data of Statistics Finland.
The report released on Thursday said that the numbers of immigrants and emigrants were 300 and 450 lower respectively compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.
The report also said that the total number of country’s population stood at 5,439,741 at the end of July.
The data shows that country’s population increased by 13,050 persons over the January to July period, which is 300 persons less than in the corresponding period of the year before.
The main reason for the population increase was migration gain from abroad.
The number of immigrants was 9,250 higher than that of emigrants. Natural population growth, or excess of births to deaths, was 3,800 persons.
In all, 4,900 of the immigrants and 4,650 of the emigrants were Finnish citizens.
During the January to July period 34,250 children were born, which is 750 less than in the corresponding period of 2012. The number of deaths was 30,450, which is 300 lower than the previous year.
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