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Home NATIONALAdministrator resigns protesting minister's localism
Sat, 01 Feb, 2014 12:30:04 AM
FTimes-STT Report, February 1
File picture of Education Minister Kiuru. Photo – Str / Lehtikuva.
Arno Miettinen, a senior administrator in-charge of overseeing the restructuring of the state subsidy system which is part of a wider municipal reform plans has resigned,  according to reports published by Finnish language newspaper Helsingin Sanomat.
The reason for his resignation is attributed to the actions of  Krista Kiuru, the Minister of Education and Science.
Kiuru is part of a ministerial working group on public administration and regional development led by Henna Virkkunen, the Minister of Public Administration and Local Government.
It is reported the Kiuru had strongly advocated for the interests of her home region of Satakunta in the preparation of the draft law.
Miettinen was appointed by Virkkunen in 2012. According to Virkkunen the state allocates money to municipalities based on an outdated data.
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