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Home NATIONALJarmo Lindberg made new Defence Chief
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Sat, 08 Mar, 2014 04:33:26 AM
FTimes Report, March 8

The President, Sauli Niinistö, on Friday appointed Lieutenant General Jarmo Lindberg as the next Commander of the Finnish Defence Forces from 01 August 2014 for a five-year

term, said a press release of the defence ministry.

Lieutenant General Jarmo Ilmari Lindberg has been serving as the Deputy Chief of Staff Logistics and Armaments since 2012. He has previously served as Air Force Commander, Chief of

Current Operations and Assistant Chief of Staff J3 in the Defence Command, Commander of Lapland Air Command, Chief of Plans and Operations, Deputy Chief of Staff Air Force Operations

and Chief of Pilot Training in the Air Force Command and Fighter Squadron Commander in Satakunta Air Command.

He began his career as an officer pilot and flight commander in Karelia Air Command. Lindberg completed the General Staff Officer Course in 1993. He was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant

General in 2011.

It is worth noting that Lindberg participated in Finland's acquisition of F-18 Hornets as one of the first Finnish fighter pilots. He also had a significant role in their service introduction and


As an officer, he has an extensive experience in operational tasks as chief of currents plans, in logistics and armaments as the Defence Forces' deputy chief of staff (logistics and armaments)

and as service commander when he was the Air Force commander.

Lindberg has also worked in close cooperation with the Finnish Ministry of Defence in the preparation of various government reports.

General Lindberg has been in charge of implementing the biggest change in Finland's current defence reform, the establishing and launching of the Defence Forces' Logistics Command.


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