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Home NATIONALEspionage revelations open avenue for contest in info security industry
Mon, 10 Mar, 2014 12:01:24 AM
FTimes-STT Report, March 10
File picture of computer network. Photo - Lehtikuva.
Edward Snowden's revelations of extensive network of spying have not changed the guidelines that ensure individuals maintain high level of information security, according to information security specialists.
"Everyone should carefully consider what information they share online about themselves," said Erkki Mustonen, an information security specialist at F-Secure, a computer security company based in Helsinki.
File picture of Edward Snowden. Photo - AFP / Lehtikuva.
Mustonen said he does not share online information related to health or finance.
Together with writer Petteri Järvinen, Mustonen agreed that there were no good options to replace the US-managed network services.
Snowden's revelations have, however, given many firms in the information security industry a good platform to compete with big American firms.
"More recently, options have come up. For example, the domestic cloud server or VPN service is certainly a safer rival to those in US." said Järvinen.
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