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Thu, 03 Apr, 2014 02:55:02 AM
Postponement of meeting with Russia
FTimes-STT Report, March 3
File picture of Antti Kaikkonen. Photo Lehtikuva.
Leaders of the opposition Suomen Keskusta (Centre Party) on Wednesday strongly criticised the minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade Alexander Stubb for the postponement of the annual economic meeting with Russia following the crisis in Ukraine.
Lawmaker Antti Kaikkonen, also a candidate for the European parliament elections, and Paavo Väyrynen, another candidate for the European parliament elections, discredited the minister for the decision.
File Picture of Alexander Stubb. Photo Lehtikuva
Stubb on Tuesday night announced that the inter-government meeting between Russia and Finland was put off because of the crisis in Ukraine. The meeting was set to take place in St Petersburg. 
Kaikkonen, who is also a member in the parliamentary Commerce Committee, said the withdrawal from the high-level meeting would only make the situation difficult and not serve Finland’s interest.
Kaikkonen said the meetings deal with day-to-day issues in the relationship between Finland and Russia which have direct connections with the Finnish economy and development.
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