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Home NATIONALClothing aid to Ukraine from Tampere faces delay
Tue, 23 Sep, 2014 01:59:08 AM
FTimes-STT Report, Sept 23
Red Cross aid found waiting for the loading at Kalku logistics center in of Tampere on Monday. The cloths scheduled to send to Ukraine by truck. Photo Lehtikuva.
Transportation of clothing aid cargo to Ukraine from the Finnish Red Cross has been delayed as the trucks supposed to transport the cargo failed to arrive.
Two trucks were supposed to arrive in Tampere from Ukraine and were scheduled to be loaded on Monday in Kalkku.
Afterwards, the loaded trucks were planned to head for Dnepropetrovsk, 400 kilometres east of Kiev.
The cargo which comprises 1,124 bales of clothing currently lies at the Kalkku logistics centre.
Pertti Rantanen, head of logistics at Finnish Red Cross, said the trucks were stuck at the customs at Petersburg in Russia. Rantanen said, for some reason, a more detailed scrutiny was underway but could not say whether they were carrying any cargo to Finland.
Rantanen, however, said the trucks expected in Tampere should be empty and ready for the loading.
According to Rantanen, the delay could last for days.
The trucks are not owned by the Red Cross and have been acquired from the logistics company DHL, said Rantanen.
According to the Finnish Red Cross, the clothing aid is essential in Ukraine, as winter is coming.
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