Finland Times

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Home NATIONALCrimes in country on wane
Tue, 30 Sep, 2014 12:05:45 AM
FTimes-STT Report, Sept 30
NBI chief Robin Lardot.File Photo – Lehtikuva.
National Bureau of Investigation chief Robin Lardot has described Finland as a safe country in light of the crime situation.
The number of murders is on the decline and neither has any dramatic change taken place in organised crime that would threaten ordinary citizens, said Lardot.
He said the authorities need only to be constantly vigilant to prevent the spread of organised crime. “Compared to other nations, we have a good and stable situation.”
Lardot however said, although the number of murders has been on the wane, it still is high compared to other western countries.
He also described domestic violence as problematic. He encouraged the victims to have the courage to inform the police about even the mildest cases of domestic violence.
The National Bureau of Investigation chief also recognised property crimes as a challenge. The risk of ordinary citizens becoming victims of property crimes remains considerable, he said, pointing at a series of recent commercial and residential burglaries committed by foreigners.
Lardot discouraged the promotion of an underground economy, saying one should not enter into agreements without proof and purchase services in the dark.
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