Finland Times

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Home NATIONALElectronic application for passport gains popularity
Fri, 31 Jul, 2015 12:01:26 AM
FTimes – STT Report, July 31
Man collected new passport from R-kiosk in Espoo. File Photo – Lehtikuva.
Application for passports electronically has started at steady pace and the police have processed 130,000 passport application made via the electronic customer care service between January and June.
In all, 412,000 passport related issues were handled during the period.
Applying for passports electronically has been possible since December last year. The goal of the police is to ensure that half of all applications are made electronically.
In Helsinki, nearly half of the all applicants used the electronic service.
From the beginning of the year, 68,000 applicants have used the streamlined passport application process in which an applicant does not need to visit the police station.
This is only possible if the applicant’s name has not changed and holds a biometric passport with saved finger prints when the passport is issued. Stored fingerprints must not be kept for more than six years.
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