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Home NATIONAL1 electrocuted on train roof in Helsinki
Sun, 27 Dec, 2015 01:51:54 AM
FTimes-STT Report, Dec 27
Danger warning sign at the main railway station in Helsinki where on person electrocuted on a train rooftop on Saturday. Photo Lehtikuva.
One person died on Boxing Day on the roof of a train in the Helsinki railway yard from an electric shock. 
The rescue department received the call to the yard after 4.00am on Saturday.
According to the rescue department, the victim died immediately. A fire caused by the electric arc spread to the roof of the parked train.
The extinguishing operation took about two hours and, because of the accident, the train was grounded and the track was taken offline for some time.
VR’s communications specialist said climbing on the roof of rail carriages is always potentially fatal. 
The danger arises from contact with the railway contact wire overhead, which is always electrified. Contact with the electric rail contact wire delivers a 25,000-volt shock.
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