Finland Times

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Home NATIONALLack of funds may halt border guard training
Sun, 07 Feb, 2016 12:09:09 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Feb 7
File Photo – Lehtikuva.
Training of border guards may cease for three years, unless the force receives additional money, reported the Finnish language daily Etelä-Saimaa.
The threat of training cessation comes from the required budget cuts of 28 million euros.
Without additional funding for border guard training, basic courses cannot be organised for 2017 to 2019, said Border and Coast Guard Academy Deputy Director Tuomas Laosmaa.
According to him, the problem is not the cost of education, but the fact that, due to the lack of funds, the trainees would have no guarantees of work after the courses.
According to Laosmaa, it would be better to stop training new guards than to train them and send them to unemployment.
While training is in threat, the Border Guard has, according to Laosmaa, an urgent need to hire additional staff.
Laosmaa said the border security situation has deteriorated and the country must be prepared for the influx of asylum seekers.
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