Finland Times

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Home NATIONALLi Andersson made Vasemmistoliito Chair
Sun, 12 Jun, 2016 12:02:48 AM
FTimes –Xinhua Report, Jun 12

The Vasemmistoliito (Left Alliance) elected Member of Parliament Li Andersson as the new party leader on Saturday at party congress in Oulu, northern Finland.

Aged 29, Andersson is the youngest party leader in Finnish history. Previous leader Paavo Arhinmäki was no longer a candidate.

Andersson underlined the need to work together with the trade unions to repeal the attempts to worsen working conditions.

She added the party will increase support through concentrating on fighting for equality and increased employment.

The Left League has 12 seats in the parliament. The national support level in the 2015 election was 7.1 percent. The party has been seen as a competitor of the Greens, but while the support levels of the Greens have reached 15 percent, the Left League has remained at nine percent. 

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