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Home BUSINESSMajority Finnish believe Eurozon crisis to be continued for 2 more years
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Mon, 07 Jan, 2013 07:56:00 AM
Survey Report says
F Times Reports, January 7

Most of the Finnish People believed that the the Eurozone crisis is yet to over and it will be continued for the next two more years, said a survey report released by Yle Commission.

The Finnish people also do not want that the country should take any more responsibility for overcoming the debt crisis in the Eurozone, number of finnish language newspaper reported quoting the survey report.

According to the report, two-third of the people do not want to increase national responsibility for the euro crisis while 60 percent of  the respondents believes a Eurozone nation should quit the common currency for the next two years.

One-fifth of the respondent, however, expressed interest to increase national responsibility while one-ninth percent did not tell anything in this regard.

Although similar surveys in the past showed positive attitudes to the Euro, this time the result was totally reversed.

About 86 percent supporters of the Finns Party were against of taking the responsibility and  more than 50 percent supporters of the conservative National Coalition Party and the Green League were against any increase in support

Men were less enthusiastic about the Euro compared to the women the people more than 35 years old  were less interested to take the financial responsibility for other eurozone nations but youth have little interest to take the responsibility.

Some 60 percent said they expect the resignation of a common currency member over the next two years and 30 percent believe the Eurozone will stay intact, while nine percent did not make any comment in this regard.    

The survey interviewed 1,000 people more than 15 years old in early July last year.

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