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Home NATIONALBody of Finnish diver recovered in Norway
Sun, 30 Mar, 2014 12:05:46 AM
Rescue operations end on Saturday
FTimes-STT Report, March 30
Norwegian authorities handed over the body to Finnish authority. Photo – Str / Lehtikuva.
The recovery operation for the bodies of two Finnish divers, who died in northern Norway, ended Saturday.
The second body was brought back up to the surface from the depths of the Pluragrotta caves after the first body had been retrieved on Friday by Nowregian rescue authorities.
Norwegian news agency NTB quoted Fredd Leirvik Helgeland from the Nowregian police who led the operation: “The rescue operation went according to plan.” 
The bodies will be transported to Bergen for autopsy and then to Finland.
The two Finnish divers died in an accident in the beginning of February. Earlier this week, a group of 17 Finnish volunteers lifted the bodies from underground.
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