Finland Times

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Home NATIONALPolice impostor held
Sat, 20 Sep, 2014 02:31:36 AM
FTimes-STT Report, Sept 20
The police on Thursday evening arrested a fake policeman.
The man was found in a holiday apartment in the Pirkaanmaa region.
The Eastern Uusimaa Police Department said the man asked for personal banking information from people over telephone. His intention was to transfer the money to his own account.
Earlier in the month, the police warned the public against a fraud who had been pretending to be a policeman and inquiring about banking and personal information. 
The police at that time warned that receivers of such calls should deter from availing the requested information. In case information has already been given then one should quickly change the password used in banking, contact the bank and report to the police. 
The police never ask randomly for personal information over phone. 
The police stress that one should never give personal banking details under any pretext. 
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