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Home NATIONALFinland not to participate in ISIL combat
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Sat, 20 Sep, 2014 02:38:52 AM
FTimes Report, Sept 20
The president and the Cabinet Committee on Foreign and Security Policy on Friday discussed the issue where the committee observed that Finland considers extensive international cooperation, multiple means of action, and a long-term approach to be important, said an official press release.
The committee also discussed the present situation in Ukraine and considers the ceasefire agreed upon on September 5, 2014 welcome. But it expressed concern at the continuation of violence despite the ceasefire.
Finland hopes that international negotiations will without delay reach solutions that will genuinely stabilise the situation in Ukraine.
“A cessation of hostilities is essential to allow the peace process to proceed towards trust building. Russia must withdraw its troops and equipment from Ukraine. The EU’s new sanctions came into force on September 12 and their objective is to promote the initiation of a peace process,” observed the press release.
The meeting termed ratification of the Association and Free Trade Agreement signed between the EU and Ukraine on September 16 an important step.
It observed that holding parliamentary elections in Ukraine as planned on October 26 is important to strengthen political decision-making and to ensure that Ukraine can progress with essential social reforms.
The committee also discussed the NATO summit that held in Wales on September 4-5. At the summit, Finland participated in meetings open for partner countries, namely the ISAF meeting on Afghanistan and two partnership meetings in different formats.
NATO’s new Partnership Interoperability Initiative, which is also important to Finland, was launched at the summit, observed the committee.
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