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Home NATIONALInformal high-level OSCE meeting in Helsinki on July 10
Mon, 08 Jun, 2015 12:13:55 AM
FTimes Report, June 8
The participating States of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, OSCE, are scheduled to hold an informal high-level meeting in Helsinki on July 10.
In addition to the OSCE Troika, that is the Foreign Ministers of Switzerland, Serbia and Germany, deputy ministers from 57 participating States have been invited to attend the meeting, said a press release of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Serbia, currently holding the OSCE Chairmanship, has convened the meeting and will chair the event.
Upon the initiative of the Serbian Chairperson-in-Office (CiO), Finland has kindly accepted to host the meeting.
The meeting will be held at Finlandia Hall, which was the venue of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, CSCE, in 1975, the release mentioned.
A section at the beginning of the meeting has been reserved to mark the 40th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act.
The following discussions will address issues related to European security.  The meeting will also pave the way for the OSCE Ministerial Council in Belgrade in December.
The informal meeting organised separately from the Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly begun in Helsinki on July 5 and will continue till July 9.
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