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Home NATIONALFake Twitter account in Soini's name
Tue, 09 Jun, 2015 12:10:29 AM
FTimes – STT Report, June 9
chairman of the True Finns and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Timo Soini. File Photo – Lehtikuva.
A new fake Twitter account has been opened in the name of foreign minister Timo Soini.
The Foreign Ministry on Monday confirmed the creation of the fake account. 
After verification, the account was revealed to be the work of Italian journalist Tommaso Debenedetti.
In the past, Debenedetti has tweeted using a plethora of false names, announcing such events as the death of the Pope and film director Pedro Almodovar. He spoke in an interview with the Guardian, of his desire to criticize the fact that the media utilizes social media as a news source, despite its unreliability.
The fake Twitter profile uses the handle @MOFAFinland. A previous account was called @copysoini. 
Soini has declared that he does not intend to join Twitter. The Foreign Ministry uses the handle @ulkoministerio.
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