Finland Times

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Home NATIONALBandidos assaults people in Kuopio, 5 held
Mon, 31 Oct, 2016 12:00:17 AM
FTimes- STT Report, Oct 31
The police are investigating into an alleged serious assault at a gang premises in Kuopio. 
The emergency services were informed a little after midnight on Sunday that people in the area had been assaulted. 
According to the preliminary investigation, the police suspect that a man born in 1969 assaulted a woman born in 1986. Both are from Kuopio.
The police detained a total of five people to clarify the matter. The incident was investigated as aggravated assault. The woman was hospitalised on Sunday.
The MC motorcycle gang has premises located in Jynkkä in Kuopio. 
The Finnish language newspaper Savon Sanomat has learned that the club were promoted this year to the Bandidos MC motorcycle gang. The Bandidos MC is one of the Finland’s largest motorcycle gangs
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