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Home NATIONALBorder Guard plane faces glitch at Turku
Mon, 14 Nov, 2016 12:09:24 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Nov 14
File Photo of Turku Airport. Photo - Lehtikuva.
A Border Guard patrol plane had some trouble on Sunday while landing at the Turku airport.
“In the middle of the descent, we noticed that half of the cabin lost electricity,” said Border Guard Patrol Squad Deputy Commander Ismo Siikaluoma.
The Rescue Department was alerted to the situation on the tarmac.
The crew cut off their approach and brought the machine back to a safe altitude, where the equipment was reset and the power supply was able to be restored. The plane then landed normally at the airport.
The Dornier 228 turboprop aircraft had a four-man crew.
According to Siikaluoma, similar events occur time to time.
“In this case, there was no actual danger, because the systems operated within the normal range with the remaining electricity, and things went according to directions,” Siikaluoma added.
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