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Home NATIONAL2 killed in road mishaps
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Wed, 16 Nov, 2016 02:09:43 AM
FTimes- STT Report, Nov 16


A woman of about 80 was killed in a collision between a personal vehicle and a truck in Evijärvi, South Ostrobthnia on Tuesday morning.
The woman in the personal vehicle drove in front of the truck which had turned from Kaanapantie heading to Pitkänsalontie.
The intersection was relatively quiet at the time of the accident. According to the rescue department, considering the time of the year, the road condition at the scene of the accident was good.
The woman who was a local resident of the area was driving alone in the car. The police are investigating the incident as endangering of traffic safety.
In another incident, a man died in a road accident in Parkano, Pirkanmaa on Tuesday.
The 36-year-old man lost control on the car while negotiating a steep curve and veered off the road hitting a culvert in the process.
The surface of the road was wet at that time. The police are investigating the accident as a case of aggravated endangering of traffic safety.

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