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Home NATIONALLeaping Salmon becomes Kansalaispuolue emblem
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Sun, 10 Apr, 2016 12:09:19 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Apr 10
The newly formed Kansalaispuolue (Citizen's Party) founded by Suomen Keskusta (Centre Par-ty) member of European Parliament, Paavo Väyrynen on Saturday disclosed the emblem of the party. Photo – Lehtikuva.
The newly-formed Kansalaispuolue (Citizen’s Party) founded by Suomen Keskusta (Centre Party) Member of European Parliament Paavo Väyrynen on Saturday disclosed the party’s emblem.
The emblem designed with a leaping Salmon in a blue-green logo has appeared on the party’s website.
Väyrynen in a statement said the logo’s symbolism is associated with the Juhani Siljo poem “Vastavirtaan nousee lohen suku” or “Salmon Family Moving Upstream.” 
According to the veteran politician, the Kansalaispuolue will challenge the social debate and the exercise of power by the majority.
Väyrynen wrote in his blog that the party still needed to register more than a thousand additional supporter cards. In total, there should be 5,000 cards collected.
In early February this year, Väyrynen announced to float his own political party, later christened the Kansalaispuolue.
Väyrynen wrote in his blog about his decision of forming the new party and plans to be a candidate in the parliamentary elections of 2019.
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