Finland Times

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Home NATIONALKatainen made EU commissioner
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Wed, 16 Jul, 2014 04:20:58 PM
FTimes-STT Report, July 16
File picture of former Finnish Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen at the EU headquarters in Brussels. Photo AFP- Lehtikuva.
The European Parliament on Wednesday confirmed Jyrki Katainen as the European Union commissioner for economic and monetary affairs and the euro.
The immediate-past prime minister of Finland will serve for the remainder of the commission’s term which ends in October.
Katainen appeared before the European Parliament on Monday.
He was approved together with three other candidates for EU commissioners by 421 votes to 170.
The Greens opposed Katainen’s appointment and would have preferred him to be elected separately. The Greens believe he did not respond adequately to questions posed by the economic affairs committee. The group also holds that Katainen was too much market-oriented and did not take social issues much into account.
The Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD), a British-led populist group, also tried to block Katainen’s appointment.
Katainen stressed during the scrutiny before the EU Parliament on Monday on the need to maintain fiscal discipline and urged the EU countries to implement the promised reforms.
The European Council is expected to officially confirm the new commissioner this week.
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