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Home NATIONALNumber of homicide declines
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Mon, 03 Mar, 2014 12:11:47 AM
FTimes-STT Report, March 3
The number of killing incidents started to fall in the mid-1990s, according to Martti Lehti, a senior researcher with the National Research Institute of Legal Policy.
The preliminary data of the research showed that 112 homicides were committed in 2013 and 107 in 2012. In contrast between 1990 and 2011, the homicide numbers ranged 131-189.
The decline has partly been attributed to an ageing population, which explained at least one-tenth decrease of homicides. 
The number of homicides began to increase in 1969 and now the situation is beginning to reflect the 1960s homicide numbers.
The last 15 years has also seen the decrease of homicides committed by employed men, with most of the homicides being committed by alcoholic men who are unemployed.
According to the research, the homicides are committed mainly by men who have never been in work life before. This category also includes most of the victims.
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