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Home NATIONALMore fake names in NBI suspect list
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Wed, 11 Sep, 2013 04:22:33 AM
FTimes-STT Report, September 11
File picture of state prosecutor Juha-Mikko Hämäläinen. Photo - Lehtikuva
Names of more people who are not really suspected of any crime but included mistakenly in the crime suspect list of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) have been detected.
Investigation leader, state prosecutor Juha-MikkoHämäläinen said that it was detected when the authority started investigation to find out the reason behind inclusion of the name of Russian President in the list in April this year.
Sources said that the list included names of at least 10 people who have no link to be crime suspects.
Hämäläinen said that the issue is still under investigation and would be completed by Autumn.
Earlier, Vladimir Putin was named a crime suspect in a message sent from abroad to the National Bureau of Investigation and was subsequently recorded as such by mistake.
File picture of the secret list where ´name of Putin was found. Photo - Lehtikuva
Following the issue the authorities started to trace the origin of the message and how it was supplied to the Finnish police and how the name of the Russian president ended up on the NBI crime suspect list.
After the incident, the NBI said inserting Putin’s name into the crime suspect list was a mistake, which it regretted and said the name had already been removed from the list.
Immediately after hearing the news of the blunder, Interior Minister Räsänen took measures for probing the matter and regretted the error.
National Police Commissioner MikkoPaatero also termed the affair a gross mistake.
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