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Home NATIONALStubb confident on getting EU commissioner from Kokoomus
Sun, 26 Jan, 2014 02:47:36 AM
FTimes-STT Report, January 26
The minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade Alexander Stubb. Photo - Lehtikuva.
A frontline leader of the Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Coalition Party- NCP) Alexander Stubb on Saturday expressed his optimism regarding securing the position of commissioner of the European Union from his party through the upcoming EU parliamentary polls.
Stubbs, also the minister for European affairs and foreign trade who has already announced his candidature for the EU parliamentary elections, said he was strongly convinced in this regard.
Speaking in an interview with the YLE Radio at its morning breakfast programme, the minister also said the party boasted men and women who were certainly qualified to become the European Union commissioner.
The leader of the NCP, the biggest component of the six-party alliance government, also pointed out the name of Henna Virkkunen, minister of public administration and local government, as one of the qualified candidates.
He also reiterated that Persusuomalaiset (True Finns Party) should declare which European parliamentary group they belonged to.
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